HomeNajnovšie správyHow climate change is reshaping the curriculum of some medical schools in...

How climate change is reshaping the curriculum of some medical schools in Europe

Heat-related illnesses and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue fever and malaria, are set to become an important part of the curriculum at medical schools across Europe, according to The Guardian.The publication reports that the curriculum will be adjusted in response to climate change..

Future doctors will learn about conditions caused by global warming, as well as the climatic impacts certain treatments may have, as stated by the directors of various medical universities in Europe.They also announced the establishment of a European Network for Climate and Health Education (Enche).

Approximately 10,000 students from 25 medical universities in the UK, Belgium, and France will integrate climate-related information into their education.

Pollution Increases the Risk of Chronic Diseases

‚Future doctors will encounter a different range of conditions and diseases that we do not see now.They need to be aware of these issues so they can recognize them,‘ said Enche co-chair Camille Huser, as quoted by The Guardian.

‚This (climate education) is as important and essential to their thinking as managing obesity, smoking, and other environmental issues.It all forms part of a doctor’s DNA,‘ added Huser’s colleague, Professor Iain McInnes.

In 2024, Europe recorded its hottest summer, increasing the need for a healthcare system adapted to climatic conditions.More diseases-carrying insects have spread to various parts of the globe, and illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes can be triggered by pollution and extreme weather conditions, reports The Guardian.

Environmentally Friendly Activities Benefit Patients

Students will also be taught to recommend healthier daily activity alternatives to patients, such as walking or biking instead of driving.

Encouraging individuals to take care of their health has ‚huge benefits for them‘ and also reduces ‚carbon emissions if they rely less on the healthcare system,‘ Huser stated.

For instance, inhalers used to treat asthma emit greenhouse gases, and managing this condition effectively benefits both the patient and the environment.

The Enche initiative has the support of the World Health Organization and several pharmaceutical companies.

Dobrý deň, som Sophie, vaša sprievodkyňa vo svete hotelového a reštauračného textilu. S vášňou pre štýl a kvalitu sa rada delím o tipy a trendy, vďaka ktorým bude váš podnik ešte krajší a pohodlnejší. Objavte so mnou najnovšie kolekcie a praktické fakty pre dokonalú atmosféru!


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